Inspired by Angela Lim - Co-Founder of Clearhead

Chances are you know someone who has suffered from anxiety or depression. Maybe that someone is you. Despite the rise of yoga and #selflove posts, not to mention a wellbeing budget this year for New Zealand, one in five Kiwis are affected by mental illness every year; and 50-80% of us will experience mental distress or addiction challenges or both in our lifetime (source).
Clearhead was born from a belief that technology has the ability to close that revolving door to illness. In fact, Clearhead empowers the individual to close the door themselves. The current health system does not provide individuals tools to stay well, or sometimes because of the expense, there is a limit on use. Not only is Clearhead is free to use, it is designed as a long-term solution.
Something cool about Clearhead is that is has been co-designed with users and stakeholders (for a quick summary on what co-design is, in the context of wellbeing, check out this blog from Lifehack). During the co-design process, Clearhead learned that people are more open to disclosing their concerns, challenges and unhealthy behaviour if responding digitally rather than face-to-face with a GP or even to people close to them. In this way, Clearhead provides a judgement-free way for people to understand what’s going on for them.

How Clearhead works
It’s as simple as signing up on the website or on the app (the app will be out in August). You then land on the equivalent of Google - only it’s a more trustworthy online doctor than Dr. Google itself. The platform uses a chatbot to help guide the information you provide into an informal diagnosis of your symptoms (not to be replaced with GP advice). In the often murky waters of mental illness, the summary is a remarkable tool for gaining clarity.
The platform’s other features include online resources, a national directory and booking system for therapy with mental health professionals, and a mood tracker. It really is a one stop shop for people feeling depressed, or perhaps when you are feeling low after a hard week.